Get a Wheelchair Van for Free: A Step-by-Step Guide

Last updated: October 9th, 2023

Wheelchair Van Basics

Wheelchair vans are modified vehicles that wheelchair users can use when they want to travel, and provide the same mobility as a standard car. They are usually fitted with a ramp, allowing the user to easily access the vehicle, and navigate its space. Wheelchair vans are more expensive than a traditional car or van, and can be difficult to acquire. However, if you’re looking for a wheelchair van, you may be able to get one for free.

Typical Sources for Free Wheelchair Vans

One of the most common sources for free wheelchair vans is through charitable organizations. Many of these have programs which provide wheelchair vans to those in need. It’s best to research organizations in your area to see which have wheelchair access programs. As often such programs are limited, it’s best to apply early to increase your chance of acquiring a van.

A contact with a religious organization can also present a chance to get a free wheelchair van. Churches and other religious groups often have funds that can be used to purchase such vehicles. Though this varies based on their funds, you should explore the possibility of a free wheelchair van from a religious organization.

The government also provides programs that can help those in need of mobility adequate vehicles. With programs such as Medicaid, those in need can get a wheelchair van free in many cases. Work with your local healthcare provider to understand the specifics of this program and facilities available to those using Medicaid or government healthcare.

Other Possibilities for Acquiring a Free Wheelchair Van

You may also be able to get a wheelchair van for free through a local foundation or through your local government. Increasingly, foundations that focus on those with disabilities that they support are being established around the country. These foundations often provide assistance in the form of free wheelchair vans to those that need it.

Your local government may also be a source of free wheelchair vans. This is especially true in states and cities which have programs specifically designed to assist those with disabilities. Check with the relevant departments in your local government to learn more about what’s available and how to apply.

Finally, there are a number of charities that focus specifically on providing wheelchair vans to those that need them. While these organizations vary in their scope and offerings, they provide free vehicles to those that need them. Do your research to find out what types of programs are available and follow the instructions for each program to increase your chances of acquiring a free wheelchair van.


Getting a wheelchair van for free is possible, though challenging. However, with the right research and understanding of the options available, you may be able to get the assistance you need. This article has provided you with several sources to explore as you search for a free wheelchair van, allowing you to make the best decision for you and decide which option is the best fit.


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