What Are The Rules for Sleeping in Your Van?

Last updated: October 5th, 2023

When Living in a Van, What Rules Should I Obey if I Choose to Sleep in My Vehicle?

Deciding to live in a van full-time can be a thrilling experience. There’s a freedom that comes with it, allowing you to hit the open road without hitch, and explore the world. However, you should be aware that there are rules that accompany this living choice, particularly if you’re planning to use your van for sleeping. Knowing these laws in advance will help you stay out of trouble, so it’s important to research this thoroughly before you make the commitment to life on the road.

It’s important to commence with an open mind when discussing these rules. Every area has different laws, and in some places you may not legally be able to spend the night in your van. While this is a major downside, if you take the time to properly research the local laws—and understand them thoroughly—you’ll save a lot of hassle and potential fines. Remember, ignorance of the law is no excuse.

In some areas, home on wheels types are embraced with open arms, with plenty of free campgrounds available for you to take advantage of. These types of campsites are often located near attractions, and have plenty of room for you to stretch out and get comfortable. If you’re on a budget, campsites like this are the best way to go, but you should check to make sure there’s an amenities block nearby for when you need it.

On the other side of the coin, some urban areas are more restrictive, resulting in a crackdown on campers living in urban areas. In these types of locations, it’s generally illegal to park your van for any length of time. Therefore, if you find yourself in a large city, especially if it’s a tourist destination, you’ll want to be extra careful about where you park for the night. This is one instance where doing your due diligence before you leave is of paramount importance.

The easiest way to ensure you’re following the law is to check the laws near your intended destinations. In some cases, there are simple things you can do to conform to your local laws. For example, if you’re parked near a residence, you should leave a note or sign in the window that reads: “I am camping in my van and am here legally. Thank you!” This way the residents know you’re following the regulations.

Another aspect of living in your van full-time is the question of sanitation. Although you’ve got the luxury of moving from one place to the next, this means you’ll need to maintain some sort of bathroom routine. You should look into a composting toilet to take care of your waste, and if you’re feeling especially adventurous, you could always look into opting for a graywater tank. That said, be sure to check the regulations in your area as this kind of wastewater management isn’t always welcome on the roads.

Finally, it’s important to be aware of the parking regulations in the area. As mentioned, some areas are very strict when it comes to recreational vehicles, so you’ll want to choose your parking spot carefully. Check local boards for posted parking restrictions, and if you can’t make out the signs search online for a clearer understanding. It’s also important to be aware that some cities commonly tow RV’s that are parked on the streets.

Overall, living in a van can be an incredible experience if you follow the rules. Before you hit the road, it’s important to research the regulations in each area you plan to visit. Also, if you find yourself in a tricky situation, don't be afraid to ask the locals for advice, as they can often provide helpful tips for steering clear of fines and fees. When done properly, living in a van can be a liberating and rewarding experience. So take the time to acquaint yourself with the laws of the land and be aware of the facilities available to you, and you’ll be able to enjoy a peaceful time in your van.


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