Which Option is Better: Parking in Public or Private Spaces?

Last updated: October 10th, 2023

Considering Parking Challenges When Living in a Van?

Living in a van can be a liberating experience that allows you to travel completely unrestricted and unencumbered by the limitations of a fixed location. It also has its own set of unique challenges, however, with parking being a major one. The question of whether it is better to park in a public or private space depends on your preferences and lifestyle. Let’s explore the options further to help you decide what’s best for your lifestyle.

The Benefits of Using Public Spaces

Public spaces are generally convenient and easy to access if you have free reign to move around. Invariably, public places come with amenities such as grocery stores, coffee shops, and other services. This allows you to integrate into your local community with ease and check out services that you may be interested in. Additionally, since most public places have a high level of traffic, you can be fairly confident in your safety. This means that there will generally be people around who can help in case of an emergency or notice anything suspicious.

In terms of costs, parking in public spaces is typically free, though some locations may charge you a fee if you stay for an extended period of time. This makes it ideal for those who want to save some money while paying respect to the local community. In some cases, local governments even offer incentives or discounts to those living in a van.

The Advantages of Private Spaces

Sometimes, public spaces may just not be feasible for those living in a van. In such cases, private spaces become the preferred option. As the name implies, this refers to any space that is not managed by the local government. This could include an individual’s driveway, a private business’s parking lot, or an area owned by a friend or relative. The advantage of private spaces is that they provide a more stable environment than what public parking can offer. Generally, these spaces have fewer people coming and going and offer greater peace of mind for those living in a van. Additionally, they are better suited for longer term stays as there is typically no time limit or charge associated with parking in a private space.

Drawbacks and Considerations

Both public and private spaces come with specific drawbacks or considerations. For public spaces, it is sometimes difficult to know exactly where you are allowed to park and what restrictions may apply. It is important to keep in mind that different cities and towns will have different regulations regarding public parking. Be sure to research this thoroughly and follow the laws or you may end up getting penalized.

In the case of private spaces, one potential issue is that you may need to explain the agreement with the owner clearly. People who are willing to let you park on their property may want assurances about the safety of their property, as well as assurances that you won’t cause any problems for the surrounding community. Respect and trustworthiness are key in such cases.


Overall, it is important to note that both public and private spaces come with their own sets of advantages and disadvantages. When deciding between these two options, it is important to consider your lifestyle, needs, and preferences. If you need to stay in one place for an extended period of time, a private space may be the way to go. However, if you want the freedom of moving around, public spaces may be a better choice. Whichever option you choose, understanding the details and researching beforehand using reliable sources will help ensure that your experience of living in a van remains a positive one.


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