How to Handle Waste from Living in a Van

Last updated: October 10th, 2023

Living in a Van: Handling Waste Solutions

Living in a van comes with its own complications and nuances. One of the toughest parts of living in a van is finding a way to deal with waste. Not having easy access to a trash can and figuring out efficient ways to keep the vehicle clean can be daunting. Fortunately, there are strategies you can implement to make it easier to handle waste while living in a van.

Planning Ahead

The first thing you should do is plan ahead. Think about the items that generate waste and make a plan for disposing of it responsibly. This might include sand and soil from cleaning the van, food waste, and any recyclables you may generate. Before you hit the road, research garbages cans, dump sites, and recycling centers that are nearby to where you intend to be. This will give you a plan for dealing with questions and knowing where to take your waste.

Separate and Dispose Right Away

Have three waste bags with you in your van, one each to collect recyclables, general waste, and compostable materials. Food waste goes in the compostable bag and should be disposed of quickly since it may attract pests. You can dispose of your compostable materials at most public composting sites. Glass, cans, and paper can be placed in the recycling bag and should be taken to a local recycling center. The general waste bag is for other non-recyclable and non-compostable items like packaging or toiletry waste. You can dispose of the general waste at a public dump.

Pack Out What You Pack In

This is an important rule of thumb to keep in mind for any travel: Pack out what you pack in. When you go to a camping spot for the night, take all your non-compostable trash with you. Don’t leave it behind; dispose of it in the appropriate place. Don’t assume someone else will take care of it. Additionally, you don’t want to contribute to the pollution of the area even if it’s accidental. That means no disposing of food waste, toiletries, or anything else that won’t decompose somewhere in the wild.

Composting Toilet

A great way to conserve and handle waste in an efficient manner when living in a van is a composting toilet. This is a special type of toilet that uses natural materials like sawdust and coconut coir as a medium to break down solid waste and pee into a nutrient rich soil. This process keeps the waste out of the environment and helps to create a nutrient rich soil to aid in the growth of plants and trees. Composting toilets are relatively affordable, easy to install, and help to keep the air in your van clean and free of noxious odors.

Practice Responsible Waste Strategy

When disposing of any waste, be conscious about where you place it. Make sure you are following proper regulations and that you are being sensitive to the environment. Additionally, try to find ways to reduce your overall waste production. Reuse items whenever possible and only purchase items that are easily recyclable. Also, many items that are usually thrown away can be brought to a recycling center or donation center to be given a new life.


Living in a van can bring with it some parking challenges when it comes to waste disposal. Fortunately, there are ways to navigate and manage waste in an efficient and responsible way. Planning ahead is essential and divided wastebags can help streamline disposal. Composting toilets are another option for keeping on top of waste and they create rich soil and air that is free of odors. Lastly, be mindful and conscious about waste disposal. Practice responsible waste strategies and find ways to reduce your overall waste production. Following all these strategies will ensure that you are able to manage waste while living in a van successfully.


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